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Tag: startup ecosystem

March 20, 2021 Launching

Why Do You Need To Incorporate Your Startup in Pakistan?

A very common question that is asked from legal advisors by startup owners in Pakistan is “why do I need to incorporate my startup?”. This question arises because there are other existing legal structures available like Sole Proprietorship or Limited Liability Company (LLC) etc. and the owners find themselves with a multitude of options that are difficult to choose from.

July 15, 2019 Events

Become a Part of GIST Business Incubation in U.S

A Great Opportunity for Pakistan Startups to become a part of the U.S. Department of State’s Global Innovation through Science and Technology, or GIST. With the help of this program for entrepreneurs in emerging economies GIST Business Incubation will support international science and technology innovators who are looking to expand their startups into the United States market and forge new connection in the US startup ecosystem.

National Incubation Center [NIC] Islamabad – Dream | Build | Rise

The objective of establishing the NICs across Pakistan is to build an active and well-connected community of change-makers, impact creators and disruptors.

NIC Islamabad Vision is

‘Dream, Build, Rise’

It is inspired by our forefathers and national heroes.

Allama Muhammad Iqbal dreamt of a separate homeland, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah built on that dream and turned it into a reality; Pakistan! And then the baton was handed over to the people of Pakistan to collectively rise as a prosperous nation.

The Mission of NIC Islamabad is to build and influence an ecosystem by empowering individuals and institutions to generate a

February 20, 2019 Marketing

The Elephant in the Room Podcast Series

From the wildly optimistic Pakistan is going to be the next Silicon Valley to the totally pessimistic we are growing too slow, we will never catch up with the technology giants, Pakistan’s startup scene generates a lot of heat and debate. The truth lies somewhere in between these two extremes.