The Elephant in the Room Podcast Series

Podcast Series:


From the wildly optimistic Pakistan is going to be the next Silicon Valley to the totally pessimistic we are growing too slow, we will never catch up with the technology giants, Pakistan’s startup scene generates a lot of heat and debate. 


The truth lies somewhere

in between these two extremes.


“Elephant in the Room” is a podcast series that takes an in-depth look at Pakistan’s entrepreneurial ecosystem warts and all. We meet the thought leaders, movers & shakers of the industry and learn from them how to address the existing imbalances.

This podcast series will  ruffle-up the feathers of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and look for answers to the questions commonly known yet seldom probed.

What are the hidden truths that no one talks about, which myths have become the gospel truth?

Do startups stumble because of mindset challenges, regulatory issues or simply bad advice?

Is funding really the most critical issue that is strangling startups?

Why do we have so few women entrepreneurs? Is our glass ceiling made of unbreakable gorilla glass?

Why is everyone suddenly a mentor & investor? Are these people adding value or confusing the startups?

Why have we not produced $50 and $100 million dollar companies or simply put “Where are the Unicorns?”

Why is, “Go be an entrepreneur”, simply bad advice for most people?

What areas should the policy makers focus on if really wish to build a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem?


A place to debate, reason and

come up with practical solutions.


Welcome to “The Elephant in the Room”, a place to debate, reason and come up with practical solutions.

Your suggested topics, inputs and insights are most welcome.