Author: Saneea Imran

February 29, 2016 Ecosystem

Sihah Waris – The Rising Woman

Sihah Waris is an emerging tech entrepreneur equipped with a strong command on business. A few months ago, Sihah has graduated from the Founder Institute (Islamabad Chapter) which is . . .

February 27, 2016 Ecosystem

Teen Talent- Arzish Azam

[mks_dropcap style=”square” size=”52″ bg_color=”#3a962e” txt_color=”#ffffff”]A[/mks_dropcap]rzish Azam is the nineteen years old CEO and founder of He did his higher secondary education in Pre-Engineering.  He started his first business when he was just sixteen years old.[mks_separator style=”double” height=”2″] Today, Arzish is the youngest person to have graduated from the entrepreneurship training center and accelerator, Founder…