[mks_dropcap style=”square” size=”52″ bg_color=”#b11016″ txt_color=”#ffffff”]W[/mks_dropcap]oodrow Wilson said “I not only use all the brains that I have, but all that I can borrow.” Fifteen year old Aashir fits Woodrow’s quote perfectly. This self made entrepreneur, graphic designer, animator, web, apps and games developer and motivational quotes writer has managed to achieve all this via self studying and watching videos on YouTube. [mks_highlight color=”#ce672b”]Aashir is a perfect 21st century techie kid who has three startups Learny FI, AS Creations and Aashir Academy[/mks_highlight] in his early teenage life.
[mks_pullquote align=”left” width=”300″ size=”24″ bg_color=”#1c63bf” txt_color=”#ffffff”]Aashir knew he had the business skills, at the age of 7 he set up a small shop selling paper guns and earned 1000Rs. Today this young star has over 2500 followers on Facebook.[/mks_pullquote]Aashir started his journey at the age of 9 when he developed his first animated video. His love for technology allowed him to deeply study the basics and advanced aspects of computer technology rather than just playing games or surfing social networking websites. Apart from app development, things took a different course for him, when he asked his cousin; Zaid to take him along for an entrepreneurship related event at Chainak. He currently resides in Hyderabad and frequently visits Karachi for his professional endeavors.

Aashir during a session at Bahria University
[mks_highlight color=”#ce672b”]Aashir’s latest startup is Aashir Academy (AA) which is a self-education and knowledge building platform.[/mks_highlight] It was launched on 23rd March 2016 (Aashir specially launched it on Pakistan Day); AA has more than 150 users.
Startup.pk had a conversation with Aashir regarding his current endeavors.
Q: Hi Aashir, such an impressive portfolio at the age of 15! What factors do you think contributed to your achievements?
A: As a child I had a habit of digging into things. I think the urge of learning and sharing made me achieve all this. My first startup Learny Fl is basically a YouTube/Dailymotion channel where I used to make videos that taught how to use Adobe Flash Professional I wanted to share my knowledge with people and help them grow. I travel to Karachi to attend events, meetings and to grab every available opportunity I can find.
Q: How supportive are your parents?
A: Family support is an important factor, they have always been supportive. However, I ask them not to praise me a lot as it may lead to over-confidence.
Q: What is your daily routine, does it involve studying as well?
A: Yes, [mks_highlight color=”#ce672b”]I am a student of 9th grade.[/mks_highlight] I study in the evenings and work at night. When I am studying I completely focus on it. At night I work for my companies.
Q: How many companies are you managing right now?
A: Learny FI is modified into a magazine; we post startup news and information in this magazine. So these days I basically manage my other two startups; AS Creations and AA. AS Creations provides IT support services to SMEs. Some of the companies/organizations that we provide IT solutions to are: Zeek Enterprises, Tawakal Traders, Main Bolun Ga, Umeed Academy, CDRS Youth. I am also managing Host Incredible as National Sales Manager – Pakistan.
Q: Please enlighten us regarding your latest venture, Aashir Academy.
A: Aashir Academy is a self learning platform and also a guide to building website, i.e. [mks_highlight color=”#ce672b”]it helps the users learn via asking questions and answering other’s questions.[/mks_highlight] The answers are voted by the person who had asked the question. The best answer as rated by the questioner is awarded badges and points. We have introduced different badges such as Zuckerberg badge, Gates badge and Jobs Badge. The Jobs Badge holding the highest accreditation. It is a completely automated system. AA has got positive response from its users. The points earned by the users will be converted into money for them in future version of AA. For example, if a person has 50 points it means he has earned 50 Rs. We are working to execute this service completely; right now we are in beta version.
Q: How is AA different from other self-learning websites like Quora?
A: Our users can later add them to their portfolio which gives a proof of their learning experience. Other websites do not provide this feature.
Our badges/points awarding system is unique. These points are added to a user’s profile.
Q: What is the average age of your users and if a person doesn’t get an answer to their question, what do you do?
A: Most of them are youngsters from the age of 15 to 22. In this case, we have our team of two members; they make sure every question is answered.
Q: What is your revenue channel?
A: We plan to make revenue through Google ads and Special Sponsored Ads.
Q: What challenges did you face while building Aashir Academy?
A: We faced several challenges but I believe challenges make you move forward. I revised the model of AA thrice before launching it. At first, I wanted to make it a video learning channel. I conducted a webinar and only 3-4 users came to attend it. I taught different people, my mentor-PJ Entrepreneur took their suggestions and refined the model to my new idea.
Q: What have you thought about your education in future? What career would you chose?
A: I will get qualifications that will help me better and understand the things at a much higher level. I will prefer Computer and Software subjects.
Q: Who do you consider as your role model?
A: [mks_highlight color=”#ce672b”]Steve Jobs is my role model.[/mks_highlight] I’m huge fan of him as compared to others, he is motivation for me in my every work. I read his stories and biography in my free time. I would like to quote Steve Jobs, “Death is very likely the single best invention of life. It’s a life’s change agent. Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”
Q: Any message that you would like to give to the youth of Pakistan?
A: You should live in the present, try out new things and learn to adapt.
Create something today that will be your future.
Visit Aashir Academy
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