[mks_dropcap style=”square” size=”50″ bg_color=”#3a962e” txt_color=”#ffffff”]C[/mks_dropcap] Crowdfunding platforms assist social entrepreneurs in raising money and capital for their business ventures. Below we have compiled a list that reviews some of the best crowd funding platforms there are.
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How it works
Step 1
Select the amount of funds you want to generate.
Step 2
Type a title.
Step 3
Click Create My Campaign (this will take you to the next page).
Step 4
Write a basic description of your campaign; it includes a tagline, a campaign image, categories and tags.
Step 5
Write an in-depth story to tell the contributors about the campaign. You can also upload an image or a video.
Step 6
Give the primary contact details for your campaign so contributors can get in touch with you in case of a problem.
Step 7
Select how you want to raise money; either flexible or fixed funding. Select how the contributors can send you money and how you can receive it.
There are 3 more options[mks_highlight color=”#3a962e”] (Perks, Extras and InDemand) [/mks_highlight]that are optional. They can help you gather more audience and contributors for you campaign.
How to receive funds
Payment can be enabled by credit card and debit card, and sent to your bank account or via PayPal.
There is no hard and fast eligibility criterion defined on their website. However, your idea needs to be innovative and entrepreneurial in nature.
You can get started here -> www.indiegogo.com
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How It Works
Step 1
Choose your cause title.
Step 2
Select the amount of money you want to raise.
Step 3
Select funding duration; either manual/open or choose the number of days.
Step 4
Select a picture, category and location.
Step 5
Write a short description of your campaign.
Step 6
Write a story about your campaign so your contributors can know better.
Step 7
Give your personal information.
Step 8
Select the recipient; either yourself or other.
Step 9
Add perks (optional).
How to receive funds
Payment can be via
- Credit Card
- eWallets
- Mobile payments
- Banks
Eligibility and Requirements:
People under 18 years of age need guardian’s help and consent. [mks_highlight color=”#3a962e”]Anyone can apply.[/mks_highlight]
You can get started here -> www.fundstak.com
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How it works
Step 1
Choose a title, category, subcategories (optional) and co-leaders.
Step 2
Enter the amount you want to raise, set your time limit, choose an image, and provide a description. Audio and video is optional.
Step 3
Establish your product/goods.
Step 4
Provide personal information.
Step 5
Review your project.
Step 6
Submit it. It will be approved within 24 hours.
How to receive funds
Funds can be received through checks or digital payment.
If you have an innovative idea, you can apply. If you are a minor, you will need parental consent.
You can get started here -> www.rockethub.com
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How it works
Step 1
Select a category, the goal amount and the nature of the campaign.
Step 2
Give your campaign a title, write an overview, add a small image, and choose category, campaign link, country and zip code.
Step 3
You can add more team members if you like.
Step 4
Decide how you want to receive your payment.
How to receive payments
Funds can be received through PayPal, credit card or Stripe.
You cannot use fund anything if you are less than 18 years of age.
You can get started here -> www.fundanything.com
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How it works
To apply you have to be associated with a [mks_highlight color=”#3a962e”]partner organization for example Plan9, NUST, LCE, etc. [/mks_highlight]Your project must be tangible and workable. You cannot offer rewards or incentives to the backers. If you are eligible for Funding Lab then follow these steps:
Step 1
Choose an image, project title, category, funding duration, funding goal, partner organization and your current role in the organization.
Step 2
Upload a project video and write a project story
Step 3
Add rewards for the funders
Step 4
Fill in your personal information. Provide your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn profiles URL.
Step 5
Provide your legal name, address and phone number.
The funds will be received once the project is approved.
How to receive funds
You can receive funds through digital payment and credit cards.
You must be 16 years of age or above to apply. You must be associated with a partner organization.
You can get started here -> www.fundinglab.net
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