Pakistan Startup Academy Flight IV

WECREATE | Pakistan Startup Academy Flight IV

StartUp Academy by WECREATE in Pakistan

StartUp Academy has been specifically designed to accelerate the start-up process by walking female entrepreneurs through the universal steps required to build a company.

Who is it for?

The StartUp Academy program is limited to 15-18 startup teams selected through a proper vetting system and eligibility criteria. Shortlisted startups that fill the slots are provided with expert trainings and mentoring sessions spanned over weeks.

What does it have?

It consists of 15 weekly experiential business-building sessions designed to support development of a start-up, from creating the core business model to understanding how to generate revenue quickly. Each 3-hour weekly session is lead by local entrepreneurs and business leaders who share their unique and honest experiences with the entrepreneurs engaged in the start-up process.

Each session builds upon the previous one and at the end of the program entrepreneurs will have an operating business and/or prototype ready to go to market.

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Startup Academy provides:

  • Hands on mentoring and coaching from those who have “been there and done it
  • Donated legal services to help to properly form a company
  • Introductions to a large network of entrepreneurs, funding sources, and specialists in the start-up process
Sumbal Kakakhel and Mahera Gilani [Co-founders Silver Lining]

Shortlisting of Startups:

When an entrepreneur is invited to meet the mentors for an interview they are one step closer to being invited to join the StartUp Academy program. Interviews will be scheduled in 15-minute increments and will be strictly adhered to. Entrepreneurs will “pitch” the business idea to the mentors and the mentors will ask questions to ascertain the following:

  • The entrepreneurs’ determination / commitment to the start up
  • Is the entrepreneur coach-able?
  • Would the entrepreneur benefit from StartUp Academy?
  • Does the entrepreneur have support from your family / significant other?
  • Is the idea presented valid / viable?
  • Does the entrepreneur have risk capital beyond tuition?

APPLY in the Startup Academy Flight IV

What to expect from StartUp Academy?

Tons of Learning

Flight IV of Startup Academy is packed with weekly experiential business-building sessions that offer action-oriented learning that will allow you to look at your idea from various different angles and tweak various aspects in real time.

Master the Jargon

Do you look at someone with fascination who is using terms such as, ‘USP’, ‘Go-to-Market Strategy’, ‘Competitive Advantage’, etc. and wish you could do the same? You’ve got company! During Startup Academy, you will not only learn these terms, but also their in-depth meaning and how they apply to your unique business idea.

Meet like-minded people

Are you the odd woman out and your family and friends can’t quite understand you and your passion for your brilliant idea? You’re likely not alone. You will meet a bunch of like-minded people who not only understand your point of view, but are most likely living with the same woes of entrepreneurship that haunt you – the upside? These like-minded people will become your friends and support network for the long haul.

Take your idea to the next level

Are you a woman and have you been pondering an idea for ages and haven’t gotten around to starting it yet? Need that push to put you into gear? This is the perfect opportunity for you to start working on your idea and build the business of your dreams. The accelerated program will equip you with all the tools and knowledge the lack of which may have been holding you back.

Time to get inspired

A little bit of inspiration never hurt anyone! We aim to inspire you every single week – you will learn stories from your peers and come to know the journeys of mentors, all of which will serve as great motivators in your own entrepreneurial journey.

Take the leap

If something has been holding you back from pursuing your dream, join the Startup Academy as a first step towards making that big leap. There are hordes of ideas out there – if you think yours has a chance to really make a difference, be a part of the Startup Academy gang and we’ll help you with the execution.

You will be part of the family

We have a network of incredible women entrepreneurs who are an inspiration and are always up for offering advice and coaching you may need. During the Startup Academy program, you will get the opportunity to network with them and you will become part of our big family of entrepreneurs and enablers.

Imran Khan [Co-founder Ao Baat Karen] Speaks about the event.

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