Retailistan | Shopping more Intuitive | Interviews taken at the Finals of Pakistan Startup Cup 2017-2018

Founders: Sharoon Saleem, Yasir Suleman Memon and Naveed Memon

Retailistan developed a startup plan to change the consumer goods distribution model for small sized stores through mobile applications. Trade began when humans learnt to communicate, boundaries continued to blur as trade travelled continents. We have come a long way from the first mom and pop store in Pakistan – yet there is so more to be explored.

At Retailistan, The Objective is to make shopping more intuitive everyday. Retailistan won the Pakistan Startup Cup 2017-2018 as well. Retailistan deals in

Big Data/BI & Data Visualization Solutions

Android Based App Development
Geo Map Visualization
Decision Support Systems

Retail Solutions

Distribution/Reach Strategy
Category Management/Planogramming
Distributor/Retailer Management Solutions

E-Commerce Ventures

Grocery Delivery
Personal Care

Talent & Organizational Capability Building

JBP & Account Management
Category Operations and Trade Spends Mgmt
Merchandizing Strategy

Listen to the Startup Founders:

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