Importance of Shifting gears in Entrepreneurship| Murtaza Zaidi| StartUpdotpk Talk Series

StartUpdotpk Talk Series is a podcast of the inspiring talks by experts from the world of entrepreneurship. We present you the opportunity to Learn, Unlearn and Relearn the Rules to Build a Successful Startup in Pakistani Entrepreneurial Ecosystem.

We had an opportunity to sit and talk with Mr. Murtaza Zaidi (CEO at CyberVision International, Executive Director at TiE Islamabad). He is also a part of Innovation Steering Committee at Higher Education Commission. He is a born entrepreneur who possesses tremendous entrepreneurial ability, drive, and managerial skills.  TiE Islamabad Chapter’s owes much of it’s success to the dedication and motivation of Mr. Murtaza.

During this conversation, he focuses on the importance of shifting gears in entrepreneurship.

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